
Video Shows Police Brutality at Pride

by Dylan Schaeffer

A Youtube video circulating around social media this evening depicts police brutality happening at the Pittsburgh Pride event today. The clip, though very short, depicts a uniformed officer walking over to a young woman, grabbing her hair, and repeatedly punching her in the torso. Multiple Facebook users commented on the original video, claiming to have seen the events in person and claim that the girl had done nothing to warrant the assault.

I’ve been in contact with those who witnessed the event firsthand and will bring you more details as they come in.

Original video:

EDIT: While details are scarce, and no eyewitness account can be validated, persons on social media who claim to have witnessed the events firsthand are claiming wildly different stories. According to an article on CBS Pittsburgh, the officer claims to have been breaking up an altercation between the woman in the video and a male. She then punched the officer multiple times, and immediately after is when the video started.

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto has launched a full investigation into the event, while the unnamed officer has been suspended for 30 days. (source:

More information will be added as it comes in.


The full video is up now.

11 thoughts on “Video Shows Police Brutality at Pride


    this is normal now… lay down and obey, submit, and hand over your rights… cause you have none. Police have taken them a long time ago but people are just now realizing it and its too late until we ARM UP and protect ourselves against these thugs. As long as people sit around and watch cops do this without jumping on their ass and taking their guns and beating them down and shooting back if necessary it will continue to get worse. BELIEVE THAT!!!

  2. Michelle says:

    Not a real cop, the uniform isn’t even correct. It was staged to make LGBT appear to be oppressed.. Come on people, do you really think cops could be that stupid to do this in front of thousands of people? Please…

    • N Wilson says:

      That is definitely a real cop uniform. I don’t know if you are familiar with city of Pittsburgh Police uniforms but that is definitely one.

      I am not saying the cop was at fault here as I do not know the whole situation, but he is definitely a cop.

  3. Sue Bee says:

    I witnessed this first hand – YES it did happen and the excessive force used by the officer was completely unwarranted – I will be following up on this with the city

  4. Ok if you witnessed it firsthand then why are you only telling part of the story? Someone else took the actual 4 minute video, not just the few seconds that was shared, and only shared to make law enforcement appear to be bullying a young girl.. Of course the rest of the video with the events leading up to what we were shown was withheld… Hmm, wonder why that is? Someone stole this video from a 16 year old who took it on her iPhone, chopped it up and took credit for it. So, you tell me who is in the wrong here?

    • The girl who took this footage is the one who edited it for this length. It was used by her direct permission on this blog. She was on a Facebook campaign to have it spread as far as she could.

      • More like edited it to show what she thought was relevant, not the events leading up to this incident. Like I say, I am no fan of cops but all the people that are commenting on police brutality, they use such foul mouth language and threats. If you want something done, proper proticol should be followed, not hating, cop bashing, gay bashing, threats and disgusting language. I am a strong believer in knowing both sides of the story. There is way to much bias here to even have a proper investigation.

      • I agree with what you’re saying. I don’t believe that more hatred is going to get anyone anywhere. What I also don’t believe is that any reasoning exists to justify a police officer throwing a few jabs at a girl before arresting her. Had he simply subdued her and cuffed her, this would have been a case of assaulting an officer. However, this has become much more, as it adds to the recent trend of police officers overstepping their bounds. In a society that values freedom, we must do our best to keep this activity in the light in order to prevent it from becoming the norm.

        The video has found its way to the correct channels, though. There is a proper investigation happening.

    • Sue Bee says:

      I was a witness – I was not involved in the any of the taping. I fully support our police officers and the difficult job that they do – but in this case, the officer’s actions were completely unwarranted. The full video clearly shows that there was no fight to be broken up and there were NO events leading up to the point where the officer left the doorway where he had been standing and grabbed the girl by her neck. He was wrong, she was not threatening him in ANY way and there is no reason for him to attacked her the way he did.

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